Judicial Education Programs

Judicial Education Programs

The NJCA is a leader in the design and delivery of relevant, interactive and dynamic judicial education, designed to support the continuing professional development of Australian judicial officers at every stage of their career.

Oral Decisions, April 2025 This program is a must for judges and magistrates who want to improve their oral and…

Jury Management, 24-25 July 2025 The judicial learning outcomes of this intensive, two-day program are for participants to explore the…

Oral Decisions, October 2025 This program is a must for judges and magistrates who want to improve their oral and…


You will receive an email and invoice once your registration is received and payment is confirmed

Yes, provided the College has sufficient notice to arrange it.

There is a space on the registration form for you to note these requirements.

Participants are required to organise their own travel to and from the program.

If accommodation is included in the registration fee, you will pay for any incidentals on checkout.

Please note that most hotels require an imprint of your credit card when checking in, to cover incidental expenditure that is individually incurred.

Accommodation providers may charge a room service fee. Such costs must be borne by the participant.

Your partner may be invited to attend one of the dinners with you. The cost for this is $120 which will be invoiced to you via email.

The College encourages participants to bring their laptop or any other suitable electronic device to access materials at programs.

The College may provide session handouts at programs; however, all other materials including the participants manual is available electronically.

Some programs send out a pre-program questionnaire or ask that you submit a written judgment.

The Program Manager will advise of such requirements in advance of the program.

Contact the NJCA administration team: njca@anu.edu.au