The NJCA can design, develop and deliver programs customised to meet the dynamic needs of a particular jurisdiction or court hierarchy. Several of our recent examples of this are described below.
Subject to objectives and powers as set out under the NJCA Constitution, we can create almost any program.
Programs can be presented physically in person or online. Please contact us to discuss the custom needs of your court.
Family Violence for Judges, Magistrates and Tribunal Members
As part of the Federal Government’s ongoing committment to develop and extend resources and training for judicial officers and justice officials related to family and domestic violence, the NJCA has designed, developed and delivered its Family Violence program over the last several years. As outlined in the funding commitments for women’s safety in recent budgets, including the 2022-–23 Federal Budget that sought the implementation of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, our tailored Family Violence program has been delivered across all Australian jurisdictions and court hierarchies. The purpose of this program is to build understanding and capability within the Australian judiciary, around family and domestic violence – including First Nations peoples’ experiences of FDV – and engaging with victims and survivors and their families. The NJCA is delighted to continue to deliver this important program to courts and tribunals across Australia over the next five years until 2027.
Writing Better Judgments for Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

Our Writing Better Judgments Program is one of the NJCA flagship programs that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of a particular court.
In this instance, at the request of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, the NJCA developed a two day course, delivered in June 2023, designed for judges with a focus on issues based judgment writing in the family law context.
Strategies for Managing with a Busy List for Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Senior Registrars

The FCFCoA has, since the amalgamation in September 2021, a single point of entry and harmonised rules, forms, and case management processes to provide a streamlined approach to family law proceedings.
To support the senior judicial registrars who now play a primary role in presiding over interim hearings and determining interlocutory applications, the NJCA developed and delivered a one day intensive program in June 2023 focused on enhancing the case management and corresponding judge-craft skills of senior judicial registers.
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies and the Mabo Commemoration

The NJCA acknowledged the commemoration of the Mabo decision and the significance of the subsequent 30 years since the landmark decision was handed down in the High Court of Australia in 2022.
A program was held in conjunction with the 2022 AIATSIS Mabo Summit and designed so that participants could attend keynote addresses at the start and end of the day. The program was the first time the NJCA has convened a program explicitly focused on First Nations People and their experience in court. Participants had the opportunity to hear from First Nations People, lawyers working in native title and constitutional law experts on a range of issues confronting First Nations People in their engagement with the Australian justice system. Importantly, several sessions were led by First Nations People and organisations.
The NJCA anticipates that this program will inform the design, development and delivery of subsequent, structured and ongoing programs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross-cultural education for members of the Australian judiciary.